The shawl project has blossomed in a gratifying way. I started the shawl, then took it to work and showed it to a couple other knitters who know the intended recipient and who are in on what's happening. They were both very keen on the project. They also knew of a couple more people to ask, and they joined in, too. Then I even asked one more person who is a crotcheter. I think he's going to try a crotchet edging for us. He's never done anything like that, he said, but he would like to participate. So we're off and running! About a week to go, and with this group, I don't think we'll have any trouble having it done in time. I'm so happy about it!
As the shawl makes its rounds, I am working on the ladder yarn scarf for mom. It's coming along. I have knitted 6 of
the 10 balls she bought. I'm sure one more will do it. So, what to do
with the extra 3 balls? Any ideas?