NSKO3 is approaching, which has put me in mind of what great friends I have. Great partly because they are still my friends, even though I neglect my blog which I started so they can keep up with what I'm doing. So thank you, friends, and here at long last is an update!
I've done a lot of sock knitting this summer. I realized that I have finished 3 soon to be 4 pairs of socks. Imagine, 4 pairs of socks which I have never worn languishing in my sock drawer. It's enough to make me look forward to cooler weather.
Without further ado, here they are:
The pink ones were different for me. I had to knit them top down. My usual m.o. is to take whatever I find interesting about a pattern and adapt it to my favorite toe-up sock method, but these have a band of cabling that travels diagonally across the top of the foot, and I thought that was cool. I pondered how to reverse it so I could knit it toe-up, and I decided it would require making some guesses about lengths and such which I wouldn't want to bet the farm on. I decided my best bet was to actually follow the original pattern. Here's a close-up. All the cabling at the top cinched them up more than I expected, I hope they don't shrink too much!

The pair next to the pink ones are based on the Turkish Socks pattern in the Vogue Knitting on the Go Socks book. These I adapted to my normal method, so they're much less folky than the originals. I wanted to use up some of those odds and ends you have left over after finishing a pair of socks, and this was great for it. They didn't actually use up all of anything I had, but they were so fun to knit that I can see just keeping a big basket with all the odds and ends and knitting up a pair like them any time I find some good colorwork patterns to use. I like to do something different every time, so I wouldn't use exactly the same patterns again. Here they are close up. Don't you love the colors??

The blue pair are also based on a pair of Turkish socks, this time from
Ethnic Socks & Stockings by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. I love this
book, it has so many cool socks I want to make. The blue ones have a
pretty stitch pattern made with traveling stitches (kind of like
cables). That was some slow knitting, let me tell you, but it was worth it. The effect is more subtle in person than in the photo below, and everyone I have shown them to seems to find them very attractive.
The last pair is just a plain foot and ribbed leg made of some of the Cherry Tree Hill self-striping type yarn I got at the Sheep and Wool festival this year. They were my traveling project for a trip to California with my mom last week. We went to a family reunion. The colorway is called Birches, and I do like the colors. They're just a few inches from being done. I hope to have them off the needles in time to start a new pair of traveling socks for the trip to NSKO3.
Finally there's this little darlin':
My friend Mardi was asked by another friend to knit a "pumpkin hat" for her baby. Mardi is an advanced beginner knitter, would be intermediate if she had a little more confidence. She found a pattern but was a bit afraid, so we did a knit-along. It is just so cute! I love that you can make babies wear anything.
That's it for now! See you soon!