Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rip it

Started the purple baby afghan last night. I needed a change from green. Cast on 171 stitches, knitted 8 rows of seed stitch, only to discover that I had only cast on 169 stitches. Don't you hate that? Given the pattern on this one, there's nothing to do but start over. Dang.

I'm also not entirely happy with the feel of this yarn. Feels more synthetic than I would like as I work with it. I'll keep knitting the afghan, but I will also be on the watch for something nicer as the Lambert/Bell Knitting Week moves through the local yarn shops.

The first requirement of all baby stuff is that it be machine washable and dryable, and the second is that I have to be able to afford it. I did once spend too much money on 4 balls of baby alpaca in a baby weight. It feels heavenly in the fingers, but you can bet it isn't getting anywhere near baby drool or any of that other organic stuff babies are so good at. And I'm not knitting something this expensive just for some little guy to outgrow it in a couple of months. So, the yarn I have may be as good as it gets.

If I do switch to another yarn for the gifts, I can always give these afghans to Project Linus. It isn't bad, just not entirely perfect.

I also managed to tear myself away from the ice skating last night and get to bed on time, so it's only a couple of hours' work to be frogged. Next time I'll count more carefully.

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