Monday, January 24, 2011

They're Baaaack

Slow days are over for a while.  It's the first day of Spring semester, and they're all back.  And needing something, it seems, though I'm sure that isn't really true.  These are the days when my evening knitting really saves my sanity.

The program these days includes the Lion Suede sweater jacket and a pair of socks.  The dog sweater is all knitted up, just needs to be blocked and then tried on the dog for correct placement of buttons to make it fit just right.  I do so hate blocking.  I hope I get this done before the winter is over.  I already feel a little bad because we are currently having a spell of about the coldest weather we get, lows in single digits highs in the 20's, and this is when the dog really could use the sweater.  But, it is what it is, I'll just need to get my rear in gear before the next cold snap.

The Lion Suede sweater progresses.  I'm probably 3/4 of the way up the sleeves.  I started with the sleeves and I'm knitting both at the same time.  It's not the most fun yarn to knit.  It has no stretch, and I'm knitting it on the tight side because I like the result, which makes it hard on the hands in a funny way.  I just can't do too much of it at one time.

The socks are the current traveling project which lives in my purse and mainly comes out at knitting group.  Usually I stick to the most basic pattern for traveling socks, just a simple rib, so I can chat and knit at the same time.  This time, though, I was so eager to try something out of my new sock pattern book, I am doing a lace pattern on the traveling socks.  Rather risky.  The saving grace is that this pattern alternates lace and stockinette, so I figure if I muck up the lace too badly I can rip it back to the last stockinette stretch and start over.  The pattern has a safety net. 

Okay, back to work.  Thanks for the break!

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