Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting my holidays in the wrong order

Well, an interesting weekend it has been.  East Coast ravaged by Frankenstorm, Casa Bell/Lynn survives intact.  It rained, it blew, yes it was pretty amazingly stormy, but the old domicile proved its mettle once again.  Power stayed on, basement stayed dry.  No major tree loss.  Hurray!

College was closed for two days.  Boss called us in anyway to batten down the computer room.  Seems the roof has leaked before.  They say they've fixed it, but a bit of plastic over the top of the computer racks did seem like a wise precaution.  Today the weather was actually not bad, but a lot of things were closed to give people time to clean up roads etc.  Boss once again felt we should be making use of time.  With offices closed, I elected to spend some time catching up on "read this interesting thing" emails from boss and others and doing research on current projects.  You know, all those things you never quite get to at work because of all the other crises-of-the-day and impromptu strategy meetings that come up.  Ah, the bliss of working without interruptions.

Of course, a weekend full of clouds and rain also afforded some time for knitting.  I am having a ton of fun with these Christmas balls.  Here's the latest:

Hearts, probably the prettiest patterns in Arne and Carlos's book.

Trees, in timeout until I get some gold yarn to make the little stars at the tops.

I'm calling them scales.  I was intrigued by the idea of combining a regular yarn with the glitter eyelash I bought during the NSKO3.  Not a lot of contrast, but I think it will be lovely when it's done.

Also started my socks for the Houdini Sock knit-along.  The sock looks pretty normal, but the construction is odd.  You start at the toes, knit the foot, then knit the toe again backwards for the heel.  At that point you have a closed tube.  Then you basically steek it and knit the tube for the leg.  So far I have the toe and a bit of the foot.  Pictures will be posted as it develops.  Steeking is scary!

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