My brain is all about Thanksgiving these days. Peter's family is coming up, so we should be 10 people. Not huge, but there's a certain amount of stuff you just have to do no matter how many people are coming. So I'm in full list-making mode. It's what I do when I get stressed.
Last summer we joined a CSA out here. We belonged to one in the Chicago area, and we had a good experience with it, so we found one out here. They're a start-up, and more and more they're getting into raising animals as well. So this weekend I have a turkey coming from them. The bird they dressed out last week for practice came in at 20 lb. Could be a big one! The chickens I bought from them over the summer were very tasty, so I'm looking forward to it.
Still, I think I'm gonna buy me a good old Butterball for the Big Day. I worry some about the CSA turkey maybe being tougher (being free range) or maybe not having as much breast meat as a store turkey. Both of those things were true of the chickens. I just want everyone to have the full turkey experience they have grown to expect on Thanksgiving.
To all those people who say, "don't be boring, try something different this year!" I say, "don't mess with my Thanksgiving!" Traditional all the way, otherwise I feel cheated. So no turkey experiments. I'll cook it later for us when we run out of leftovers or for Christmas or something. You know what I mean?
Well, enough of my rambling. Back to work.
Please forgive my ignorance, but what is a CSA?