Monday, November 30, 2009

Fat pants

Hoo, boy, I'm wearing my fat pants today! Cooked dinner for the family (10 people) on Thanksgiving. It was a good time, and I was happy with how the meal turned out. Then we ate leftovers all weekend. My husband loves leftovers, especially from Thanksgiving. How lucky am I?? Stuffing with gravy, jello salad (the rich kind flavored with tons of dairy products), pies, probably a gazillion calories a plateful. All weekend. It was great!

But now it's time to come back to reality. Sigh. Sure was fun while it lasted.

On the knitting front, I worked the Moonlight Mohair shawl down to the last row. Now all that's left is the edging. I think I'm just going to work a little picot edge, but I'm debating whether to put a little gold bead on each picot. I'm thinking a little weight around the edge might help it hang nicely. And I've been keen to put some beads in my knitting ever since Kate and I went to see the Yarn Harlot and I saw a lace shawl with beads that absolutely made me swoon. I should ever knit anything half that beautiful. Any opinions on beads out there?

So last night I picked up my "colorwork" socks again (in the sense that gray, black, and white can be considered colors). These are the ones with the Fair Isle work on the foot. They have been going very slowly because I have been following the old teaching that you have to wrap the yarns around each other as you change colors. So after every round, I have to stop and un-twist the two yarns. Bleh. Of course, halfway through it, I read that people don't do that in Fair Isle knitting and it works just fine, but then I got paranoid and decided I didn't want to switch in the middle, in case you could tell the difference. So doing all this work while knowing I probably didn't have to do it really helped my motivation, too.

And then -- a miracle -- last night I picked them up and realized, I'm far enough up to turn the heels! One last untwisting and I was back to knitting solid color rows. Hallelujah! Thank you, God! Going up the leg, there are just two narrow bands of Fair Isle, and when I get to them I am NOT going to wrap the yarns around each other. I can't believe how happy this makes me!

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